The 2nd Fragility Fracture Network Asia Pacific Regional Congress

The 2nd Fragility Fracture Network Asia Pacific Regional Congress

The drive for systemic change in fragility fracture care has been reignited in the Asia-Pacific (AP) region through calls for a holistic approach during the recently concluded 2nd FFN AP Regional Congress. Over 400 attendees from various disciplines and countries in the region were welcomed by Malaysia's warm hospitality. The event began with an explosive performance by the Malay Silat group and a graceful dance by the Sassy Gees.

The deputy director-general of Malaysia’s Ministry of Health, Dato' Indera Dr Nor Azimi Binti Yunus, joined FFN’s Irewin Tabu, Hui Min Khor, Lee Joon Kiong, and Frede Frihagen for the opening remarks, welcoming all participants. Throughout the congress, attendees enjoyed good food and, more importantly, a comprehensive programme highlighting the four pillars of the Fragility Fracture Network through various plenaries and symposia. Time was also allocated for delegates involved in oral and poster presentations.

The plenary sessions and symposia covered all pillars of fragility fracture care. Speakers shared their practices regarding surgical approaches, rehabilitation timings, medication recommendations, post-fracture care, and preventive measures. One talk highlighted the recently launched Malaysian CPG for Geriatric Hip Fracture Management. Plenary discussions also focused on better nutrition pathways and targeted mobilization through physiotherapy. The importance of data, such as hip fracture registries, in influencing policy changes in countries like Japan and the UK was also emphasized.

Delegates had the freedom to choose from symposium topics, including Perioperative Care, Vertebral Fracture, Osteoporosis, Rehabilitation, Secondary Prevention, National Audits and FLS, and Nutrition and Delirium. Each symposium featured a panel of experts who shared their practices, followed by light-hearted discussions with the audience.

This networking aimed to bring about national change by empowering key champions from each country. Leaders of national FFNs and other interested champions had the opportunity to meet in one room to share and learn from each other, ensuring support for those just starting. Two new national FFNs, FFN Singapore and FFN Chinese Taipei, were introduced, and Indonesia expressed intent to form one. Additionally, FFN Global’s president-elect, Karen Hertz, rallied the nursing community and allied health practitioners to meet the challenges of an aging region. A bonus symposium for nurses and allied health professionals was included on the last day to further advance this cause.

The event concluded with the announcement of the winners for the best oral and poster presentations. FFN Malaysia took the opportunity to present The Distinguished Award for Leadership in Fragility Fracture Care 2024 to FFN Malaysia’s President, Dato’ Dr. Lee Joon Kiong, for his initiatives and efforts not only in Malaysia but throughout the Asia-Pacific Region.

Congratulations to FFN-Malaysia for successfully hosting the 2nd FFN AP Regional Congress, paving the way for continued collaboration and advancements in fragility fracture care within the region.

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