
Orthogeriatric Nursing
Education in Europe

This is a joint initiative between FFN Education Committee and Regionalisation Committee as the follow on to the successful San Servolo Educational Nursing Project in which educational courses were hosted in many European Countries and China.

Education will be provided for nurses on the evidence based management of fragility fracture patients using an orthogeriatric approach. The information will be based on the chapters of the open access Fragility Fracture Nursing book, 2nd edition which will be available in 2023. The project will include online learning through a series of webinars, educational mentorship and assessment of learning achieved. The following countries have already shown interest in the Orthogeriatric Nursing Project: Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, Ukraine. Work is being undertaken to support the initial distribution in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Future plans will then be developed to modify the materials to support dissemination in other European Countries and other regions of the world.
If you are interested in the Nursing project contact
Supported by UCB and Orthopaedic Committee of the Chinese Nursing Association.

Lead: Julie Santy Tomlinson

Caring After a Fracture (CARE)

Educational web series for carers of patients with
fragility fractures

The project aims to improve the quality of life and care of the fractured patients and their carers, providing the opportunity for carers around the world to access web based educational information for free. The educational series is structured in 13 modules that cover all the aspects of caregiving support.

The modules are animated and interactive and participants will have the opportunity to communicate with the authors of the modules to get clarifications on the topics.

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Interprofessional Educational Project (INTERFACE)

This project supports the education of healthcare professionals using information available in the second edition of the Orthogeriatrics book by providing web based learning materials. Key leaders are developing the three initial modules on Frailty and Sarcopenia, Nutrition and Rehabilitation focusing on the importance of correct nutrition in optimizing rehabilitation and recovery in older frail and sarcopenic patients with fragility fractures.

Frailty and Sarcopenia: Finbarr Martin
Nutrition: Jack Bell and Ólöf Geirsdóttir
Rehabilitation: Maria Crotty

Clinical Observership

Through its network of leaders around the globe, FFN supports individuals who are interested in learning more about evidence-based practice for fragility fracture patients, using an Orthogeriatric approach to care. 


Learn about observership opportunities!

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