FFN is now a member of World Rehabilitation Alliance! 

FFN is now a member of World Rehabilitation Alliance! 

Global rehabilitation needs have increased dramatically between 1990 and 2017, partially related to the aging global population. These increasing rehabilitation needs are not being met, with up to 50% of those requiring rehabilitation not able to access those resources, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.  In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) Rehabilitation Program established the World Rehabilitation Alliance (WRA) to support advocacy activities that promote access to rehabilitation.

The FFN became a member organization of the WRA in 2023 joining 4 of WRA’s workstreams: Research, Workforce, Primary Care and External Relations.  The mission of the FFN and WRA align very well to promote better rehabilitation access through changes in health policy that support development and implementation of rehabilitation resources. 

The WRA Research workstream has recently published an editorial highlighting the importance of Health Policy and Services Research in rehabilitation, which we share with FFN members here. We encourage you to review and disseminate this editorial within your local networks.

Click here for the article!

The World Rehabilitation Alliance (WRA) is a WHO global network of stakeholders whose mission is to support the implementation of the Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative through advocacy activities. It focuses on promoting rehabilitation as an essential health service that is integral to Universal Health Coverage and to the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The work of the WRA is divided into the following five workstreams: workforce, primary care, emergencies, external relations, and research.

Click here to learn more about WRA!

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